Please scan the charge card again at the charging station Try to charge the vehicle at a different charging station, because it may be possible that the charging station is not functioning properly. Charging stations that are out of order usually show a red light Still having problems charging the vehicle? Contact DriversDesk via 085048570… Lees verder I cannot charge my electric vehicle. What should I do now?
FAQ Category: Uncategorized FAQ
The charging station is defect, what should I do now?
Check if a different charging station is available in the vicinity Contact the number that is displayed on the charging station. The operator of the station may be able to help you further If the problem cannot be solved by the operator, please contact DriversDesk via 085 048 57 00 and we will do our… Lees verder The charging station is defect, what should I do now?
I cannot disconnect the charging cable from the charging station. What should I do now?
Try scanning the charge card one more time at the charging station Still not able to disconnect the charging cable from the station? Please contact the operator of the charging station via the number that is displayed on the station. They can assist you further with your queries. If contacting the operator does not lead… Lees verder I cannot disconnect the charging cable from the charging station. What should I do now?
I cannot disconnect the charging cable from the vehicle, what should I do now?
Disconnect the charging cable from the charging cable first, before disconnecting the cable from the vehicle Lock the vehicle via the app Unlock the vehicle via the app Try once again to disconnect the charging cable from the vehicle Please check for a disconnect button in the steering wheel area If this button is present,… Lees verder I cannot disconnect the charging cable from the vehicle, what should I do now?
How do I charge an electric car?
Take the charging cable out of the car Connect the right plug to the car Connect the other plug to the charging station Scan the charging pass at the charging station The vehicle is charging if the charging station shows a blue light. To be sure about this, you can check if the charging icon… Lees verder How do I charge an electric car?
How do I disconnect the charging cable?
Open the car via the WeGo Carsharing app Take the charge card out of the car. Usually you will find this card in the glove department, next to the clutch or behind the sun visor. Scan the charge card at the charging station Disconnect the charging cable from the charging station Disconnect the charging cable… Lees verder How do I disconnect the charging cable?
The parking garage will not open. What should I do now?
Please check if there is a number available at the door or the barrier. If there is, please contact this number Park the car outside, but still close, to the parking garage. In case there is no space available at all, or if you are not sure that you can use any of the available… Lees verder The parking garage will not open. What should I do now?
I cannot turn off the electric vehicle, what should I do now?
Check if the clutch is in P-mode Check if you are pressing down the brake pedal Press the Start/Stop button once again Still having problems? Unlock the vehicle once again via the WeGo carsharing app and retry the previous steps Still having problems? Contact DriversDesk via 085 048 57 00 and we will happy to… Lees verder I cannot turn off the electric vehicle, what should I do now?
Where should I park the vehicle at the end of the reservation?
The vehicle should always be parked at the exact same location as where it has been picked up. In some cases, it might be possible that the car has a designated parking space, then please park it there. If this is not the case, park the car in the same street, same parking garage or… Lees verder Where should I park the vehicle at the end of the reservation?